A Record of Auspicious Accounts

In the course of life, we all manage to accumulate happenings and stories, memories and opinions, and facts and lessons. Here, I plan to report these events and thoughts in my life. And share them with everyone.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Sleep is for the Weak... end.

It is 2:00 in the a.m. 2:14 to be exact. I crave teddy grahams now, but before it was Cooler Ranch Doritos. Who in the right mind craves teddy grahams? OK. I must not be in the right mind.

Right now I am seriously doubting anyone but one person has read this blog, so I might as well tell you about the past month and two big fat mistakes I made. I've got time and alertness. 2:19.

Mistake number one. Never ever ever ever EVER take two caffeine pills in a row. Especially when you dont usually consume caffeine on a familiar basis. It'll give you quite the shock. Yours truly here made that mistake in attempts to stay awake for the math test I had to take that day. The first hour after consuming the pills, I thought "huh. i shouldve taken 3. its not working." By the second hour, I couldnt breathe normally and my hands were shaking, but I couldnt tell because my whole body was shaking. I couldnt walk straight and my heart was out of control. I thought i seriously was going to die. On top of that, I had eaten very little that morning, so you could say I took those pills on something similar to an empty stomach. By the time the math test rolled around, I couldnt think straight, my heart was going to fly out of my chest, and I couldnt even hold the pencil still. I did poorly on that test. It was expected.

Mistake number two. On Saturday, I was supposed to meet my friend at the movies in town by the piers. I ended up driving all the way to the stadium. I'm not sure how I got lost. But I definately got there through the back roads. I dont know how I did that. And to top it off, I had 1/4 tank of gas when I started out, and by the time I spotted the Stadium, I was down to 1/8 tank. And I had never filled gas in my life. So my first time filling gas was quite the experience.

"Hi... This is going to sound really stupid. I've never filled gas in my life and I'm not sure what to do. Oh and I'm also lost."
"(Snicker) Ok. So first you prepay us and then go back out there and press the grey button labeled 'Start'. Then you can fill your tank until you here the thing click. That means its done."
"Oh ok. Will $10 be enough to get my back into town?"
"Ya. That should be enough. Now where were you going?"
"Movies. By the pier."
"How did you get out here? You mustve been really lost."
"Ya. So how do I get back into town?"
"Ok go through this parkinglot, take a left at the stop light and go until you see the highway."
"Out through the parking lot... take a left... up the... wait. What?"
"Out the parking lot. Kay, then take a left at the light. Keep going straight"
"Till I hit the highway. Okay."

And when I got out of the parkinglot, what do I do? I get into the wrong lane. But I eventually get to the freeway somehow. I dont really know how I did it. But I was flipping out. I spent 2 hours in a car that night. It was the not-funnest experience EVER. And by the way, we didnt see the movie in the end. I tried to meet my friend at 3 different other places and ended up getting lost on the way 3 different times. I am hopeless with directions. Dont give me a map, no, a map will do me no good. Get me a GPS tracker and one of those things that tell me where to turn. The ones with the voice. Pathetic.... Dont judge me.

2:34. My eating and sleeping cycles are all wrong. I hate this. I guess I'll sleep now for 4 hours. My friend once told me that I was the kind of person that needed a continous sleep in order to function. Some people can go with 2 hours and be fine. I cant apparently. Oh boy. Tomorrow is not going to be fun for me. 2:38.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My sleep schedule is screwed up too. As we talk, my right eye is swollen from lack of sleep.

1:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Normally if a person had a sufficient amount of sleep they wouldn't have as much of a problem doing usual things. I think you should try to fix that up. Although I could probably get lost a couple times, I wouldn't try to go to 3 other theatres that I've never gone to before after getting lost going to one. Anyway, try to resolve this problem! Because if you don't, then your entire post will be about monuments of failure that you never learned from. And that would be sad.

1:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like a spammer found you. Too bad. I agree with osu1130. You need to see a doctor and get your sleep cycles ironed out. What you're describing has happened to me, and my doctor was able to get my sleep back on track. It makes all the difference in the world to be well-rested, and it's hard to undo the damage caused by being sleep deprived. I like the level of detail and sense of voice in your blog--it sounds like you and makes me want to read more.

9:36 PM  

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