A Record of Auspicious Accounts

In the course of life, we all manage to accumulate happenings and stories, memories and opinions, and facts and lessons. Here, I plan to report these events and thoughts in my life. And share them with everyone.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

so its christmas vacation NOT BREAK. yes thats right. its not a walk in the park, cup of tea, freedom, a time for merriment, or a long winters nap. nope. it is a time for finishing homework, doing college apps, losing money, and packing for the trip. yes that about sums it up.

but you know theres always wiggle room for gunbound, shopping for me, and doing stupid things. here is one example of procrastination i did today:

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in fact i think i spent more time experimenting with the camera than on my santa clara supplement. here is another example that is probably more amusing:

ya. that would be the dance from street II. hahaha. i look ridiculous. but dont judge me.

anyway here are some things i have learned since starting the application process:

1. my social security number. (yes folks, that is right, i did not know it before)
2. how to spell the word business correctly. (i used to spell it buisness. see what spellcheck does to you!)
3. applications are time consuming and expensive (go for broke. not in a good way.)
4. that i use words such as "offer" or "throughout" a lot. (the list is long.)
5. how t0 recycle essays by just changing the wording (trust me, you dont want to write 7 different essays.)
6. the email address to my college counselor (shes probably going to block my email address very soon.)
7. my parent's occupations. (seriously they have long titles. i think its just to sound really professional.)
8. where my parents went to school and what degree they earned (i bet most of you dont know this either... or am i alone?)
9. dont wait till the day before the deadline because servers get clogged. (try it at 2 am because west coast people are usually sleeping at 4 am.)
10. your grades tend to drop the first semester of senior year because of the applications (oh baby.)

to who this may concern: this post should not be taken seriously as very thoughtful, profound, or deep because it really... is not. in other words, if this is being judged and the judgement passed is negative, the previous statement applies.

but if you like it, by all means judge it :)


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