A Record of Auspicious Accounts

In the course of life, we all manage to accumulate happenings and stories, memories and opinions, and facts and lessons. Here, I plan to report these events and thoughts in my life. And share them with everyone.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Back to perception...

Everyone wants to be viewed in the best light possible. Any slight that might reflect or hint a bit negative or embarassing will cause them to attack the flaw and try their best to deplete it. It's like a girl's face. Girl's try their best to keep their face pretty, flawless, and clean. They will use make up to enhance features and cover up defects, daily face cleaners to ensure beautiful skin, and shape their eyebrows with tweezers or hot wax. Girls will work hard to maintain the image people see every day. And one day, if they happen to wake up with a zit, a plan of attack comes into play and girls will do everything in their power to make that blemish disappear. They will poke, squeeze, burn, cut, cover up, and pul until it gives and goes away. It's the same with images that arent visible, reputations and perceptions.

My friend will request me to remove a video of her dancing on a hotel bed to some music which is clearly innocent and funny, but at the same time, maybe slightly embarassing for her. I left a facebook comment on my cousin's site, kidding around about how dorky she looked when she was younger, and she in turn trashes my facebook page with burning words and hate. Talk about guarding your image.

But once in a while, we let things slip. A pimple you may miss maybe. It might be horrible and come out at the wrong time. It might add character. It might be really minor and unnoticable or maybe it is major. But once in a while, everyone gets a "pimple." We cant help it, so we learn to cope. But that's last resort if we've done all to prevent it.

Maybe this is a horrible analogy and I'm just typing random thoughts that will end horribly. Or maybe I'll finish this the right way.

If I was to live by my analogy, my face is full of zits. I cope more than I cover up. And it's all these flaws which make me wary of who I am beause people constantly see these errs I have created. And not only that, but these "pimples" leave scars on my face which dont go away for a while. I seriously need some zit control. I dont feel horrible because I have zits, but I also feel horrible for causing other people's zits. I think this is where my great analogy turns on me. Maybe I fed those people too much chocolate, stole their face cleaner, or gave them too much stress. I dont know. But I know I am sorry for giving them pimples of their own to cope with or cover up. I dont know. I guess this post will end badly.

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My post got messy, I wrote it when I had just woken up, and now I realize I have homework. See this lovely picture? That is my screen right now.


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