A Record of Auspicious Accounts

In the course of life, we all manage to accumulate happenings and stories, memories and opinions, and facts and lessons. Here, I plan to report these events and thoughts in my life. And share them with everyone.

Monday, January 22, 2007

warning: dont read if you want to hear me complain. thats about all of you.

so i feel whiny because everything for me right now pretty much sucks. its like getting lost when driving and not stopping for directions. so you keep driving, getting more lost, and telling yourself "its okay, turn around at the next oppurtunity" but that oppurtunity to turn back never comes. if you understood that, high ten to you. that was one of my better metaphors. if you didnt, its okay because i was never good at making metaphors.

here are the things wrong with me in no particular order

1. variety show is a waste of time. i hate people coming up to me and going "what?! youre not a dancer?!" because that just rubs it in. i dont think the auditions even counted. i ended up as a soprano singer with an ugly costume. i cant sing to save my life and i dont do spandies. so lets see- not a dancer, ugly costume, prop in scene 6. yup thats 1,2, and 3.

4. my grades. yes i am going to cry. ive never gotten so low on my report card EVER and even more so, x3. ya on the same report card. wtf right?

5. im fat. but really, whats new right?

6. on friday, we went out for my friends birthday. it made me sad because this was the kind of birthday i had wanted. there were 20 something of us and we had a good time. also, her icecream sundae they gave her wasnt melted. and we paid for her dinner. oh wait, wasnt she the friend that had said "we shouldnt pay for peoples meals on their birthday when we go out because we dont do it for everyone"? on my birthday, we went to bubba gumps and i sat at the end where no one really talked. my sundae was melted. i paid for my dinner. i saw a movie but we finished eating so late, there were only 5 of us and i fell asleep during it. and the sad thing is, that was one of my better ones. the year before went to the tune of "its your birthday?! omg happy birthday!"

7. im not a lead in the triannual :(

8. the triannual is the day of prom so i have to rush to get ready

9. i dont have a date for prom and the person i want to go with is probably not going to ask me. wow i said it. thats reality. but i really want to go with him. hate/love this guy. cant fricken shake him.

10. so whats up with ikepono right? ikepono sucks like a vaccum cleaner. return policy is sooo junk.

11. i dont have 80s clothes for the party on saturday. reminder to self: make somen salad.

12. oh gawd. what are the colleges going to think when they recieve my transcript? buhhh. im going to cry harder now.

im done being whiny and complainy. im sorry. i had to vent somewhere, but i dont have a best friend. and i think people are getting tired of me complaining to them. ok so now

here is a list of positive things

1. i cleaned my room so its now beautiful

... ok i cant think of anything at the moment, but i will get back to you on this.


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