A Record of Auspicious Accounts

In the course of life, we all manage to accumulate happenings and stories, memories and opinions, and facts and lessons. Here, I plan to report these events and thoughts in my life. And share them with everyone.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

so its christmas vacation NOT BREAK. yes thats right. its not a walk in the park, cup of tea, freedom, a time for merriment, or a long winters nap. nope. it is a time for finishing homework, doing college apps, losing money, and packing for the trip. yes that about sums it up.

but you know theres always wiggle room for gunbound, shopping for me, and doing stupid things. here is one example of procrastination i did today:

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in fact i think i spent more time experimenting with the camera than on my santa clara supplement. here is another example that is probably more amusing:

ya. that would be the dance from street II. hahaha. i look ridiculous. but dont judge me.

anyway here are some things i have learned since starting the application process:

1. my social security number. (yes folks, that is right, i did not know it before)
2. how to spell the word business correctly. (i used to spell it buisness. see what spellcheck does to you!)
3. applications are time consuming and expensive (go for broke. not in a good way.)
4. that i use words such as "offer" or "throughout" a lot. (the list is long.)
5. how t0 recycle essays by just changing the wording (trust me, you dont want to write 7 different essays.)
6. the email address to my college counselor (shes probably going to block my email address very soon.)
7. my parent's occupations. (seriously they have long titles. i think its just to sound really professional.)
8. where my parents went to school and what degree they earned (i bet most of you dont know this either... or am i alone?)
9. dont wait till the day before the deadline because servers get clogged. (try it at 2 am because west coast people are usually sleeping at 4 am.)
10. your grades tend to drop the first semester of senior year because of the applications (oh baby.)

to who this may concern: this post should not be taken seriously as very thoughtful, profound, or deep because it really... is not. in other words, if this is being judged and the judgement passed is negative, the previous statement applies.

but if you like it, by all means judge it :)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

College, Homework, Tests, OH MY!

Welcome to my life” as a senior. Filled with college apps, essays, and no life. All this becomes your “Obsession.” “Wouldn’t it be nice” to back and redo high school all over again? After “A Hard Day’s Night”, I seem to “Crash and Burn.” I have definitely seen “Better days.” Now, “One Week” feels like “A Decade under the Influence” and every day feels like a “Bad Day”. Oh, “Say it aint so.” I think I’m in “Over my head” but I have no time to “Slow Down.

I’m “So Sick” of college applications and school mixed together. It’s seriously “A Million Ways to be Cruel.” Someone “Take Me Out!” I never get to “Come Out and Play” anymore. But, I’m pretty sure “We’re All in This Together,” ‘we’ meaning the seniors. When a parent asks another “Where is your boy tonight?” I am sure their answer will be that he’s home studying. Applying to college, you’re basically trying to tell them “This is the ‘best of me’! ‘Love me or Hate me!’” and all the while have that reality of comparing other students to yourself, thinking about “Everything I’m Not.” You better “Make Damn Sure” to check all your work before pressing that SUBMIT button.

And after all of the college apps are “Sign, Sealed, and Delivered”, it’s still not over yet, believe it or not. There’s the “Sitting, Waiting, Wishing” phase that lasts for about three or four months until that “One Sweet Day” when you figure out what school youre going to and are finally able to “Breathe.” Then you’ll have only “Title and Registration” to worry about.

But for now, until that day comes, I sit here filling out college apps and try to turn homework in on time, but sometimes “A Day Late.” I find myself constantly in the college counseling office, inquiring about the schools I applied to, beating myself up for not paying attention in class. Yes, “There’s a Class for This.” I’m pretty sure by now, when the secretaries at the desk spot me they think “Here it goes again.”

I want to toss up my “White Flag” already and I’m pretty sure when June rolls around, I’ll be “Dead on Arrival.” Next year will definitely be the “Start of Something New.” But from what I hear, getting in is half the work- staying in is harder. And until that day comes when my class is “Miles Apart,” and we have only the “Memory” of our high school years, “Sugar we’re Going Down.” Sigh. I have two tests tomorrow so I guess I’ll have to “Die another Day.

but on a lighter note, here is a picture I found from Christmas last year.

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and read my blogger in ebonics... yo.

and since i love blogging so much i made another one. for fun. go there. its me. and interesting. realllyyy. its like eating candy for dinner.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

I was going to publish a one liner with hopes it would have a dramatic effect, but that would require me to say something thought provoking, emo, or both. At the moment, I am none of that.

So today I went to work. It was pregnant lady #1's last day, and I guess I will miss her. Actually, I didnt know her too well. There seem to be quite a few pregnant ladys at Jamba Juice. The other people who worked with me today was I Act Cool But Live with my Parents, Artsy Eyeliner girl, Pregnant Lady #2, Too Tall Hobbit, Maryknoll kid Look alike, Boyfriend #1, and Casey's Older Twin.

The Not-Hotsam's birthday was today and that meant he didnt work. And that's fine with me. I dont think he likes me and I dont like him very much either. I finally understand why Not-Hotsam is bitter. My dance teacher explained to us that if you get into a fight with a gay man you will lose because they have been defending themselves their whole lives. That makes sense.

Two weeks ago, I Need my 2 Packs A Day Woman had her last day since she got another job. After her shift ended, she went clubbing and came back with Casey's Older Twin and Not-Hotsam. I was suprised when she gave me a hug. Even more suprised when in that hug she collapsed and brought me with her to the floor... clearly drunk. And while this happened, Not-Hotsam was dancing to the music in the lobby. Good thing it was a slow night.

What I have noticed through out my time here at Jamba Juice is that my perspective of Jamba Juice is now different. I dont see and will ever see Jamba Juice the same way a customer does again. That illusion is gone. I think that before I used to view Jamba Juice workers as happy healthy good people. Then I got hired. New hires to the company basically equal free surveys. They suck all the information they can get about our current views on Jamba Juice and when theres nothing left, brainwash our minds with information. Then you go to your store and work. And thats where you find out it's not what you thought it was. It's not bad. Just different.

(And I didnt write this post to complain about my coworkers. I love my job. And coworkers. I really do. Work isnt terrible. The people are really fun and I love coming to work. In fact, the people are the best part about work. Yes people get pregnant. And Yes there are gay people in this world. And yes people sometimes drink or get high as well. But thats reality. And you cant just judge people on those things because theres so much more to them. )

I'm not sure if I have a point or not in this post or maybe I didnt even mean to have a point.

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This is Jamba Juice at about 1:30 in the morning.

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These are two of my co-workers picking up the tips they spilled on the floor.

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I was the only girl closing that night. This is what the boys do with the sampling trays after cleaning.